Support Jacob's Pillow
Your gift helps train, nurture, and inspire the next generation of dance professionals.

Support The School

Your gift helps train, nurture, and inspire the next generation of dance professionals.

Why Your

Support Matters

Giving to The School at Jacob’s Pillow provides a young dancer the opportunity to study with world-renowned artists, introduces choreographers to potential company members, and offers artists time and space to refine and advance their teaching methods. Through your gift dancers connect to the historical significance of dance and the Pillow as launching pad for new ideas and artists shaping the field today.

“Your support of The School is more than monetary. School Sponsors instill confidence in our dancers. who embark on a vulnerable, demanding profession. Many come to us lacking family support for pursuing this career. All of the sudden, out of the blue, someone they don’t know has stepped forward to help them experience the artistic world of Jacob’s Pillow. Our students are humbled by it and so moved that someone stepped forward to help them succeed. Your gift remains one of the most empowering moments of their dance lives.”

J.R. Glover

“J.R.” Glover
Director of Education

Building Long-Lasting Relationships

Supporters of The School also have the opportunity to provide much more than money towards tuition – many build beautiful, lasting relationships with our students. Sponsors and students continue to correspond as the dancer’s career evolves. Some return to the Pillow, together, to see performances each summer.

Annual supporters embrace dancers into their own “dancer family;” introducing different generations of Pillow dancers to one another. A tap dancer meets a contemporary dancer who meets a ballet choreographer. That’s an amazing, beautiful dance network and community being created by people like you who believe in our dancers.

The School at Jacob’s Pillow advances the career possibilities of exceptional dancers.

Your support nurtures their transformation into a dance artist who impacts the dance world at large. Thank you for helping one of The School’s dancers today.