Applications are open for the 2024 Summer Internship Program.

Applications are due February 5, 2024.

Each internship position is unique. Please only apply to one position. There is an option to indicate a second choice position within the online application. To view positions and apply, click here

Please be prepared to include the following documents and attachments when completing your online application form:

  • Cover letter explaining why you wish to intern at Jacob’s Pillow, your qualifications and interests for the position(s) indicated on the Application Form, and your goals and expectations for the internship. Please visit our staff directory to address your cover letter appropriately. “To Whom It May Concern” is also acceptable.
  • Resumé
  • Two work-related references: names, titles, phone numbers, and email addresses. Ideally these should be different from the person who wrote your letter of recommendation.
  • Support materials, if requested for specific positions, such as writing samples and URL links. See Festival position descriptions for details.
    • Helpful writing samples for internship positions include excerpts of academic papers, thank you letters, invitations, appeal letters or emails, internal memos, marketing or event description, or professional email correspondence to an important person. Providing a brief description of the sample is appreciated as a reference point. We’ve had previous interns submit items such as a senior concert program, a grant proposal, or other various essays.
  • Letter of recommendation, either uploaded to your online application (strongly preferred), or emailed directly to Jacob’s Pillow. Instruct recommenders to please:
    • Attach their letter as a PDF. File names should be saved as such:
      APPLICANTLASTNAME_APPLICANTFIRSTNAME_LetterofRecommedation (no spaces)
      For example: SMITH_JAMIE_LetterofRecommendation
    • Format the email subject line with the applicant’s name:
      LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME – Letter of Recommendation
      For example: SMITH, JAMIE – Letter of Recommendation
    • Send their email to

Additional Special Opportunities: Candidates may be eligible for additional needs-based compensation through The Barbara and Amos Hostetter Internship Program. Read the full details of this sponsored program here. Please fill out the application to express interest in this program and to begin a review of eligibility for financial support, including travel stipends to/from the Pillow.

We accept international applications. Some restrictions to the information provided about the internship may apply. Please inquire with for more detail. 

Applicants must be 18 years of age in order to participate in the internship program. Criteria for acceptance are the same for everyone without regard to race, color, gender, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, or veteran status.