2016 Improv Traditions & Innovations: From Ring To Shout To Blues To Jazz Guest Artist

See current Faculty list of rotating Program

Stephanie McKee, a dancer, choreographer, and cultural organizer, is Artistic Director of Junebug Productions Inc., which is the organizational successor to the Free Southern Theater; a company formed in 1963 to be a cultural arm of the Civil Rights Movement and a major influence in the Black Theater Movement. Stephanie’s directorial debut with Junebug was Gomela: Movement of Our Mother Tongue, for which she was awarded a New England Foundation for the Arts/National Theater Project grant. Stephanie is a member of Alternate ROOTS, an alumna of (New Voices emerging leaders program), and has been a faculty member and facilitator for the Urban Bush Women Summer Leadership Institute for over ten years. Stephanie is dedicated to utilizing the arts as a strategic vehicle for change. She is an alumna of The School at Jacob’s Pillow 2002 Cultural Traditions Program.