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Ephrat Asherie & Archie Burnett
Street & Club Dances Master Class

At Youtube.com: Jul 14

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Ephrat Asherie & Archie Burnett – Street & Club Dances Master Class | Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 4pm

This event took place as part of Virtual Festival 2020.
A digital loan of this Master Class is available to educators.

Ephrat “Bounce” Asherie is a New York City-based b-girl, dancer, and choreographer, and a 2016 Bessie Award Winner for Innovative Achievement in Dance. As artistic director of Ephrat Asherie Dance, her work has been presented at The Apollo Theater, Columbia College, Dixon Place, FiraTarrega, Guggenheim Works & Process, Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, The Joyce Theater, La MaMa, River to River Festival, New York Live Arts, ArtPower, Summerstage, and The Yard, among others. Asherie has received numerous awards to support her work including Dance Magazine’s Inaugural Harkness Promise Award, a Jacob’s Pillow Fellowship at the Tilles Center for the Performing Arts and a Jerome Foundation Travel and Study grant. In 2017 she received a National Dance Project award to support the development and touring of her most recent work, Odeon. Asherie is a 2019 NYFA Fellow and a 2018-2019 City Center Choreography Fellow. Her new work UnderScored was awarded a 2019 Creation and Development Award from the National Performance Network and will premiere in the fall of 2020. She is honored to have worked and collaborated with Dorrance Dance, Doug Elkins, Rennie Harris, Bill Irwin, David Parsons, Gus Solomons Jr., and Buddha Stretch, among others. Ephrat earned her BA from Barnard College, Columbia University in Italian, and her MFA from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where she researched the vernacular jazz dance roots of contemporary street and club dances. Asherie is a co-founding member of the all-female house dance collective MAWU and is forever grateful to NYC’s underground dance community for inspiring her to pursue a life as an artist. For more information, please visit @ephratasheriedance on Instagram or ephratasheriedance.com.

Archie Burnett, Club Dancer and Ambassador of Urban dance social styles, is a well-known master of varied styles of club dancing. Going on well over 40 years now, he teaches and performs worldwide. He is best known for sharing the dance styles of Whacking, Waacking, Hustle, Vogue, and Freestyle, aka House aka Club Dance. He grew up with these styles and is responsible for pioneering the Vogue Culture in Europe. He’s also known as the Grandfather of the House Of NINJA. He says, “Come, experience, get some, and get lit!”

This event is produced in collaboration with

Nel Shelby, Producer | Loren R. Robertson, Assistant Producer/Editor
Cherylynn Tsushima, Project Manager | Vincent Vigilante, Videographer
Benjamin Richards, Videographer/Editor/Graphic Animation
Ashli Bickford, Videographer/Editor | Amber Schmiesing, Editor
Jacob Marks, Recordist | Kathryn Brodie, Intern