Festival 2025 is taking shape—meet all of the artists taking over our three performance spaces this summer.

Online Stream:
Dorrance Dance

At watch.jacobspillow.org: Nov 7 - Dec 18

Event Dates

Oh no! You missed this one! Check our calendar for future events.


Encore: Dorrance Dance Plays the Pillow

Available On Demand | November 7-December 18

Dorrance Dance Plays the Pillow was filmed live during Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival 2021.

In a site-specific world premiere, tap dance company Dorrance Dance explores the unique and enchanting environment of the Pillow grounds. These special daytime performances will take audiences on a roving journey that showcases the Pillow’s campus in a never-before-seen (nor-heard) way.  

Commissioned by Jacob’s Pillow with leadership support from Gerry and Hank Alpert.

Explore Past Pillow Performances on Jacob’s Pillow Dance Interactive: