Festival 2025 is taking shape—meet all of the artists taking over our three performance spaces this summer.

DEL Workshops

At Jacob's Pillow: Oct 19 - Mar 15

Event Dates

Oh no! You missed this one! Check our calendar for future events.


UPDATE: Due to public concerns around the spread of COVID-19, Jacob’s Pillow is cancelling  the March 14-15, 2020 DEL Essentials Workshop. Participants are being contacted directly.

DEL Workshops

Ages 18+ | Movement and dance education workshop

Facilitated by Ann Biddle, Director of DEL at Jacob’s Pillow

All workshops: Sat 10am-6pm; Sun 9am-5pm. Dates are subject to change.

Dates & Times

October 19-20, 2019 | DEL Essentials

March 14-15, 2020 | DEL Essentials

Immerse yourself in this two-day intensive course on the DEL Model of Dance Education: Laban Movement Analysis (LMA), collaborative dance making, lesson planning, human development, strategies for effective teaching, and linking dance to curriculum for children and teenagers.

January 25-26, 2020 | DEL Dance for Social Change

DEL Dance for Social Change examines varied approaches for empowering dancers and dance educators to become advocates for social change. This interactive, collaborative workshop will examine different entry points for recognizing how dance can act as a vehicle to create powerful artistic statements that instigate change. With guest artists Dian Dong and Megan Minturn.


$290 with housing*/$240 without; includes workshop & training, meals, and Jacob’s Pillow programming. Please review the refund policy. Need financial support? Generous scholarships are available.


Housing is located on the Jacob’s Pillow campus, a 3-minute walking distance from the workshop location. On-site housing Pillow provides single rooms, co-ed bathrooms, and common areas that include a small kitchenette.

Directions & Travel

Jacob’s Pillow is located in the Berkshire Hills of Western Massachusetts in the town of Becket. The 225-acre National Historic Landmark is within easy driving distance of Boston, New York, Albany, Burlington, and Hartford. Find more travel information here.

Concepts & Content

  • Overview of the DEL Model
  • Rationale for Dance Education for children & teens
  • History of Rudolph Laban
  • Applied Laban Movement Analysis (body, effort, space, relationship) Movement Sentence
  • Choreography & LMA
  • DEL Lesson Plan format
  • Making connections to other disciplines
  • Developmental benchmarks of children and teens
  • Effective teaching strategies
  • Introduction to State and National Dance Standards
  • Resources for dance educators