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Dance Theatre of Harlem

At Youtube.com: Aug 6

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Dance Theatre of Harlem | Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 7pm

Supported by
Auerbach Pollock Friedlander and the Friedlander/Kaplan Charitable Fund

This event took place as part of Virtual Festival 2020.

Dance Theatre of Harlem was founded by the late Arthur Mitchell and co-founder Karel Shook in 1969 to create a new vision of ballet as well as an opportunity where none had existed before. Their very first performance was at Jacob’s Pillow. For over 50 years, the company’s signature artistry has challenged expectations, provided a platform for new voices, and broken down barriers. 

Their Virtual Festival program features highlights from the recent 2019 celebration of the company’s 50th Anniversary and includes Darrell Grand Moultrie’s Harlem on My Mind; Christopher Wheeldon’s pas de deux This Bitter Earth; George Balanchine’s classic Valse Fantaisie; and Annabelle Lopez Ochoa’s Balamouk

Pre-Show Talk with Jacob’s Pillow Scholar-in-Residence Theresa Ruth Howard; Post-Show Talk with Artistic Director Virginia Johnson.

Read the new essay on Dance Theatre of Harlem by John Perpener on Dance Interactive:
African-Americans in Ballet at Jacob’s Pillow: The Dance Theatre of Harlem


When the late, legendary, Arthur Mitchell created Dance Theatre of Harlem (with co-founder Karel Shook) in 1969, he was as intent on creating a new vision of ballet as he was on creating opportunity where none had existed before. Now, 50 years later, the organization is a singular presence in the ballet world. With a legacy of bringing renewed vitality to the art form of ballet through thrilling performances by its professional touring company, training in its Harlem-based school as well as transforming the lives of young people through its exceptional arts education and community engagement programs, the organization is acclaimed around the globe. Dedicated to the future of ballet, Dance Theatre of Harlem continues the work of changing perceptions, in particular, who can or cannot participate, what has value and what is beautiful. By challenging expectations, providing a platform for new voices and breaking down barriers, DTH presents ballet for the 21st -century, an art form that is as relevant as it is inspiring, an art form for all.

Additional Dance Theatre of Harlem VIDEO:

This event is produced in collaboration with

Nel Shelby, Producer | Loren R. Robertson, Assistant Producer/Editor
Cherylynn Tsushima, Project Manager | Vincent Vigilante, Videographer
Benjamin Richards, Videographer/Editor/Graphic Animation
Ashli Bickford, Videographer/Editor | Amber Schmiesing, Editor
Jacob Marks, Recordist | Kathryn Brodie, Intern