Thank you for your interest in the Jacob’s Pillow Volunteer Program! Our volunteers are a vital part of Jacob’s Pillow’s mission to support dance, presentation, education, and preservation, and often serve as a first point of engagement with the public. Volunteer opportunities are focused in ushering and patron services related duties. 


Volunteer at Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival 2025


Volunteer Requirements

  • Volunteers must be AT LEAST 16 years of age
  • Volunteers need internet access and a working email account to sign up and receive volunteer program communications
  • Volunteer Ushers must be able to see well enough in dimly lit spaces and well enough to read small print on tickets (printed and mobile)
  • Volunteers must be able to work on uneven ground, indoors and outdoors, including but not limited to steep grades, woodchips, rocky paths, and occasional stairs
  • Volunteers must be able to stand for extended periods
  • Volunteers must adhere to the Code of Courtesy
  • Volunteers must provide their own black and white attire
  • Volunteers must attend orientation AND training
  • Volunteers must be able to perform all the required duties

Volunteer Benefits

  • Give back to the arts and community programs
  • Free admission to morning classes during the festival season
  • Experience dance from internationally and nationally recognized companies
  • In exchange for you service, volunteers can watch the performance for free*
  • Expand your network and social circles
  • Discounts in the Pillow Store and discounted tickets**

*Please note that seating is not guaranteed in all performance venues

**Tickets are subject to availability and the discretion of the Box Office Manager

Ushering (Summer Only)

Ushers are assigned to either the Ted Shawn TheatreHenry J. Leir Stage, or the Doris Duke Theatre and are the primary customer service representatives for Jacob’s Pillow during performances. Ushers should be able to stand for long periods of time, and be willing to work any duty assigned, including working on any level of the theater. These are the responsibilities and expectations of every volunteer usher:

  • Directing patrons to their assigned seat
  • Ensuring smooth and efficient audience traffic flow to help patrons get seated on time 
  • Scanning tickets 
  • Remaining after the performance to help with tidying the performance spaces
  • Being prepared to successfully handle patron questions and needs 
  • All ushers will assist in reseating patrons after intermission, if applicable