Dance Education Laboratory (DEL) at Jacob’s Pillow connects dance educators, college dance students, classroom teachers, and professional dancers to the DEL model of dance education—situated alongside Jacob’s Pillow’s year-round resources as a center for dance research and development, including state-of-the-art studio spaces, unparalleled dance Archives, In Process Series showings as a part of Pillow Lab artist residencies, housing, and a retreat-like atmosphere.
Read about the founder of DEL and the DEL at Jacob’s Pillow faculty in their bios below.
DEL Faculty
Jody Gottfried Arnhold
Founder of Dance Education Laboratory (DEL)
Jody Gottfried Arnhold, M.A., C.M.A., Dance Education Laboratory (DEL), Founder, is a luminary in dance education and an advocate for dance. She created DEL in response to the need for a practical and focused dance pedagogy program. Through DEL, Arnhold aims to inspire and prepare teachers to work with children and teens.
Ann Biddle
Director of DEL at Jacob’s Pillow & DEL Founding Faculty
Ann Biddle has a M.A. in Dance Education from Columbia University, and a B.A. in English Literature from Kenyon College, and is a Fulbright Scholar.
Felice Santorelli
Felice Santorelli (Ed.M Dance Education, B.F.A. Dance and Choreography) is the Dance Department Leader at Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School (PVPA) and the Artistic Director of the school’s contemporary student dance company, Catalyst.
Learn MoreSee all upcoming DEL Workshops
All workshops facilitated by Ann Biddle and Felice Santorelli.
DEL at Jacob’s Pillow welcomes participants to experience our workshops regardless of financial circumstances. Apply for scholarship support and join the next generation of dance educators.
Contact Us
For more information or questions about accessibility, contact [email protected].
Click here for directions & travel information.
DEL at Jacob’s Pillow is made possible by Jody & John Arnhold and the Arnhold Foundation. Dance Education Laboratory (DEL) is founded by Jody Gottfried Arnhold.