Watch: Global Pillow

On-demand access to Global Pillow is closed.
Explore online and onsite Festival 2021 events here.

To view the Global Pillow program, click here.
For audio description of the Global Pillow program, click here.

Thank you for making a donation that will directly support dance creation, presentation, education, and preservation, and help us harness the community-building power of dance at a time when we need it most. Donations at any level make a tremendous difference. Thank you!


Join us after the premiere for a celebratory Dance Party on Zoom (8:20pm EDT), where we’ll toast the performers and celebrate Dormeshia, recipient of the 2021 Jacob’s Pillow Dance Award. Hosted by the incomparable duo of Christal Brown and DJ DP One.

This event has passed.

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@jacobspillow | #globalpillow

Viewing Instructions

Global Pillow will last approximately 82 minutes. Although this event can be played on a phone or tablet, we recommend watching on a computer. Turn on full-screen view by clicking the full-screen icon in the lower-right corner of the video player. You can return to a smaller-screen view by clicking the same lower-right icon while in full-screen view.

Can’t hear the video? Check both the volume level on your computer or device as well as the volume setting in the lower-right corner of the video player. Also check that your computer or device has not accidentally paired with an unused Bluetooth speaker or headset in your home. If you intend to play audio via Bluetooth, check that your speaker or headset has paired successfully with your computer or device, resetting the connection if needed.

Grainy footage? Video quality adjusts automatically to the speed of your internet connection. Within those limits, you can control the video resolution by hovering over the player, clicking the gear icon in the lower-right corner, and selecting a video quality other than the ‘Auto’ setting. If you continue to experience grainy or low-quality video playback, your internet connection may have been interrupted. Try refreshing your browser, and keep other streaming content to a minimum in any open tabs and apps. If the issue persists, try a different device, restart your router, or check your ISP speed here.

The Post-Show Dance Party is free and open to all, hosted on Zoom, and will begin at approximately 8:20pm EDT. Hosted by Christal Brown, Founding Artistic Director of INSPIRIT, and New York-based DJ DP One.

Video from the post-show party will not stream to this webpage. To attend on Zoom, click the blue button above, and complete the brief registration form to receive a link to the event. 

Closed captioning will be available for the post-show party.

The post-show party will run approximately one hour. We recommend watching from a desktop or laptop. If you join from a phone or tablet, you will need to download the Zoom app first.

Partygoers can live chat with one another and volunteer to be featured on screen—or simply watch the party happen. If you would like to be seen on the digital dance floor, please create a Zoom account in advance of the event, and use the “raise hand” button if you want to be spotlighted.

Use the chat function in Zoom to talk directly with partygoers. We will also be monitoring the chat to help troubleshoot any technical difficulties you may encounter.

Special Thanks to our Event Producer

Logo: Nel Shelby Productions

Nel Shelby, Producer / Editor

Loren R. Robertson
Assistant Producer / Editor

Ben Richards
Motion Graphics

Amber Schmiesing
Livestream Producer

Christopher Duggan, Ashli Bickford
and Erica Spizz

Cherylynn Tsushima
Project Manager

Mason Chapello, Sonia Bartolomeo, Sydney Samson and Taylor Hutchison
Video Production support