Robin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Dance at Chapman University. Robin blends her background in dance and science to create innovative educational programs supporting the development of safe and effective dance training programs. As a certified instructor through BASI and a teacher trainer for Balanced Body she incorporates the work of Joseph Pilates in the training of dancers. She has presented research and developed education lectures for the Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA) and the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS). She has sponsored 6 regional PAMA conferences and in 2018 hosted the 36th Annual PAMA International Symposium at Chapman University. She received the Dawson Award along with Jennie Morton in 2018, for contributions to the field of Performing Arts Medicine. As a keynote speaker during the IADMS Regional meeting in conjunction with USC, Robin addressed issues educators face when dealing with injured dancers. In 2013, she developed and continues to teach the first online dance kinesiology class for the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO). She serves on the US Advisory Board for Safe in Dance International ( and is on the Dance Wellness Panel for Her recent paper The Invisible Injury: Supporting the Recovery of Dancers with Concussions was published in the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. She has recently co-authored two books with colleague Jennie Morton. The Embodied Dancer: A Guide to Optimal Performance is a first of its kind interactive iBook now available on iTunes and Amazon. The second edition of Dancing Longer Dancing Stronger: A Dancer’s Guide to Improving Technique and Preventing Injury was published by Princeton Books in late 2018. In addition to teaching at Chapman, she is a Structural Integration and Reiki practitioner. Robin’s current research includes the effectiveness of Structural Integration on the performance of dancers. A former modern dancer and a product of the private studio / competition environment, she is passionate about bringing dancer wellness and safe teaching practices to the industry.